Priority Upgrade Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans

Priority Upgrade Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans is slightly different than the previous TH because we will get lot of varieties of new buildings. When we viewed more detail in TH7 COC, actually you will get the biggest upgrade in Clash of Clans. Lots of new tower building to be upgraded sometimes make clasher confused and did not have the right guidance how to manage this TH7 upgrade. In this article will discuss in this website and also ini we will focus first how to utilize maximize builder's performance in Town Hall 7.

Complete Priority Upgrade TH 7 COC

Priority Upgrade Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans

Builder 1: Laboratory - Spell Factory

The first time Builder should be promptly used to upgrade laboratory. Laboratory Level 5 has been opened at the Town Hall 7 and are able to raise almost all the troops to level 4 there, of course this thing must be your main priority in Town Hall 7.

After the completion of the first builder upgrading laboratory, began immediately to upgrade Barbarian or Archer level 4 in advance to spend elixir. Once you start the upgrade and still have sufficient elixir, free builder had better used to upgrade Spell Factory.

Builder 2: Army Camp - Barrack - Barrack Level 2 - Army Camp

In the Town Hall 7 you will get a new Army Camp. With the additional building Army Camp of course to be one of the easiest ways to increase attacking power. Army Camp immediately upgrade as the second priority after starting Laboratories.

Typically Army Camp will take only a few minutes to build it. When finished, use builder 2 start building a barrack, and proceed to level 2. Upgrade barrack to next level also did not take long time. After barrack completed it will help accelerate production and barbarous current farming Archer faster.

After barrack level 2 is complete, use Builder 2 back again to upgrade Army Camp. Keep upgrading Army Camp with this builder to reach the maximum level.

Builder 3: Wall - Dark Elixir Storage

Due to builder upgrade elixir for a while, then you should begin looking for gold as much as possible. Before starting various buildings with builder 3, you should have to buy walls and place it wherever it is. Later, you will spend a lot of gold to upgrade the wall.

After placing builder 3 to upgrade some wall what is next to do of course start build Dark Elixir Storage. Although it looks weird to put the non-offensive building to be a priority, please note that without it, you will not be able to collect Dark Elixir. although after an upgrade there is additional storage but only can store 25000 DE only. Surely you also want to buy Barbarian King in this Town Hall 7 as fast as possible right? Well preferably after rising to Town Hall 7 it is important to build DE Storage as soon as possible.

Free Priority Upgrade Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans: Advanced Tasks

If you have more than 3 builder, you can start this section as soon as possible with the Builder 4. If you do not have, when third-builder completing the most important priority tasks, you can use this section. Note that some builder will soon be able to come in here [to the builder 3]. Of course after DE Storage is done.

Task 1: Put the whole tower defense level 1 and traps except Hidden Tesla


Upgrade Guide Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans

In the Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans made by Supercell, Clash of Clans player will receive two new Cannons, 1 new Archer Tower, 1 new Mortar, 1 new Air Defense, one new Air Sweeper and several traps. Put all the buildings and traps. Do not worry about the problem upgrade, wait until finish first and continue to build a variety of new buildings above. Overall you will need a minimum of 14 hours to complete the whole of this tower. Hidden tesla not recomended to be put first because they will take a very long time.

Task 2: Form a new Base into Best TH7 Base

Now you have all existing buildings in Town Hall 7 [except Hidden Tesla], it's time to start preparing the base into one best Base Design Town Hall 7. Check back in the review below.

We're not going to buy the Barbarian King or Hidden Tesla first, just relax. Place a gold mine or other storage buildings where it should belong to Barbarian King and also let the Hidden Tesla place. Your enemy will not know whether you already have a Tesla Hidden or not, so no problem here.

Task 3: Upgrade the entire Tower defense Building to the maximum level that is less than 1 day

The next to do is build whole building defenses to level 2-3 and so mainly took less than one day. This will impact on the ability of the defense better and faster than just upgrading old buildings.

Task 4: Place the Hidden Tesla

the next priority after placing a whole new tower you either upgrade or repair next design base is to build Hidden Tesla. Begin to build it up after you have sufficient gold.

Task 5: 1 Upgrade Dark Barrack

once builder is available there proceed upgrade barrack to level 9. Make sure that you should not do all simultaneously. Why??? Classic reason is because you cannot farming if still upgraded. Usually it will take 3 weeks completely. After the usual Barrack finished continue to upgrade Dark Barrack to level 2.

Upgrade Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans

Task 6 [Final] Upgrade entire defense building and other buildings up to maximum

the priority upgrade in this point is no longer important. Upgrade defense building Slowly one by one. I do not recommend it for more than one mortar tobe ugraded or more than one Air defense at the same time. The reason is obvious your base will be very vulnerable attacked by an enemy.

Furthermore, no less important is build an altar Barbarian King once you have enough Dark Elixir. You can farming DE up to 10,000 and then proceed to buy BK. You should have maximize base and entire whole building defense before rising to Town Hall 8 COC. Although there are exceptions, with resources building actually do not need tobe upgraded to the next level.

Priority Upgrade Town Hall 7 Clash of Clans article above is an information with details about what needs to be upgraded at TH7 COC. By using the tips above you will certainly lot of faster than other clasher. Hopefully useful and join Facebook and Youtube Mrbandengpresto to get latest news and videos