Really Hard To get 3 Stars in Town Hall 11 Clash of Clans
Town Hall 11 Clash of Clans indeed be the last and strongest TH in this game that made by supercell. the reality around the world that many clasher in United Kingdom as well as from around the world were not able to crush and flatten TH11 in the Clan War. How can get 3 Stars in TH11 COC??? eventhough not impossible, but as you know only a few people who can get it. When i traveled to some Clan i got some interesting fact that similar with my article. So right now and this time in will review more and more about this online game which is very interesting to play. Let us see it more below
As you can see that Many people are curious to destroy this Town Hall 11 COC. as the authors underline above that account with Base TH11 Clash of Clans is one of the strongest existing base ever. It is undeniable that there is a lot of excess surplus compared with TH below or closest is TH10 COC. As we can see it that TH11 Base will get addition Eagle Artillery that able to shoot the enemy from afar. See also the Inferno Tower Level 4 extremely and highly lethal building either multiple or single mode type. Last but not least, Do not forget also to their new heroes named Grand Warden that will defend his area
Town Hall 11 COC
Based on the information above “i mean the Fact about Town Hall 11 Clash of Clans” of course someone who wants to destroy the base of Town Hall 11 Clash of Clans must have a strong army troops and yes with maximum level. In addition, although the army has a maximum level of course we need to create a great strategy that is accurate and precise. The author several times saw in clan that no one was able to get 3 stars.
Video How Difficult to Get 3 Stars on Clan War Town Hall 11 COC
Although there are some players who are able to destroy Town Hall 11 COC. Indeed they are doing that with the criteria which author pointed out above as a starting point: Unit Forces shall be in maximum level and also arrange accurate and excellent strategy. So Hopefully in the future we can get 3 stars TH11 COC. Do not forget to join our Facebook to get another excellent info from this Clash of Clans game directly